
Thursday, 27 October 2016

GSERB Secondary Shikshan Sahayak 2016 Merit List Available Now..

 GSERB Secondary Shikshan Sahayak 2016 Merit List Available Now.

Gujarat State Higher Education Board (GSERB) has published merit list & Cutoff marks for Grant in Aid Secondary Shikshan Sahayak recruitment. Check below for more details.

This examination is necessary in the selection of a list of people who will pass the merit list was good marks. The merit list will be the list of the district wise selection candidate in their district or city in which you are a teacher job is to pass from good marks.Now people from all current pass the written examination scores Best of luck to you to create your own career.

●Official Website Check Your Marrit List:-click here 

Secondary Shixan Sahayk Marrit List:- click here  

Higher Secondary Shixan Sahayak Marrit List:- click here